Ei gude wie! | |
Hello, how are you? | |
Unn? | |
What's going on? | |
Kumm, Hoiner, steck der a ao o! | |
Do you want to smoke? | |
Was hattan da de Babba da? | |
What helds the father in the hand? | |
Kummschd uff Pfingschd uff Pfungschd? | |
Do you come on whitsun to Pfungstadt? | |
Hinne anne geihts no Branne. | |
The way to Brandau starts at the backside (of the house). | |
Aasch glaab s gehd lous! | |
Are you nuts? | |
Aa horschemol! | |
Listen to this! | |
Prodoneworscht | |
Bread without meat | |
Du ahle Babbsagg! | |
You suck! | |
Heinz Schenk | |
David Bowie | |
Hannebambel! | |
Stupid person | |
Hae? | |
Excuse me Sir, could you please be so kind to repeat your statement. Couldn't hear you well. | |
Schoppe | |
about half a pint of a sour alcoholic apple wine | |
Mer waases net. | |
I don't know. | |
Deeft isch emohl eier Metzelsopp versuche? | |
May I taste your battlesoup. | |
Morsche! - Aach Morsche! | |
Good morning to you! - Good morning to you, too! | |
Des is abber babbisch! | |
This is a little sticky! | |
Die hat doch en Dubbe! | |
She's nuts! | |
Mer laaft de Brieh de Stern enunnee. | |
Sweat is running down my face. | |
Heit brennt de planeet widder. | |
It's really hot today. | |
Uffgebassd. | |
Pay attention. | |
Isch werd rammdösisch. | |
I'm feeling kind of weird. | |
Kenndisch graad verriggd werrn. | |
I'm going mad. | |
Ooch gee haahm! | |
Be off with you, you foolish person! | |
Isch mach weideh | |
Good bye |
© Silvia Jokel
(Hinweis: Die eMail-Adresse ist aus Spam-Schutz-Gründen nicht mit einem Link unterlegt)